Have you ever tried to start a journaling practice and got stuck looking at the blank page? Or maybe you journal, but it feels like a chore? I want to help you find a way to journal that reduces stress, brings clarity to your life, and provides a framework so the blank page doesn’t feel daunting.
Join me as we enter a fresh, new year and try a new way to journal.
We’ll break it down into three easy steps.
Digital, hand-written, in your phone, however you best take the words from your head and put them down is PERFECT! What matters is what feels most comfortable for you. Once you’ve figured out how you like to write, find a nice, safe and quiet place to let it all flow.
Step 1: “Dump Truck Exercise”
In this first step, you want to take the filter out of your mind and just put everything down. Some people like to crumple it up or erase it after, and that’s totally fine if that helps you feel free to write whatever comes to mind without critiquing yourself. Other people like to look back and see how things change over time, and that works too! Do whatever brings you the most peace and spend the first third of your journaling time letting it all flow free, whatever comes to mind. The more you let out, the less stays bottled up inside.
Check out our “Dump Truck Journal” on Amazon
Step 2: Gratitude
Do you have to-do lists and task lists? What if you made one list that didn’t require you to do anything, but instead noted all the ways in which you’re grateful in your life. When you take stock of the things that are going well in your life, of the things that you’re grateful for, and of the things you’ve been blessed with, it gives a lot of perspective. You can add to it each day and sometimes take something off when things change, but think of it like a gratitude bank. You’re storing these good things in there and you can access it anytime you need to ground yourself.
Step 3: Associations
This last step ties it all together. You’re going to worry less about writing, and more about mapping. Here, you’re going to write down the things that are troubling you or negative, but be sure to give it a nickname. Our body and nervous system don’t know the difference between thinking about troubles and living through them, so giving it a nickname distances you and your nervous system from the event and allows you to make associations without living through it again. Once you have written down your trouble, allow associations to come to mind. It might take sometimes, but you’re going to allow and ask the universe, higher power, whatever you feel comfortable with, to guide you. Your internal guidance system already knows the answer and by making free associations and allowing that internal guidance system to kick in, you might be surprised how things start to become less complicated.
Once you’ve gone through the steps, give yourself time and grace to make it a habit. For some people, it’s best to do it once a day, for others, it’s better to do when needed. But one thing you can bet on is that now you have this in your toolbox to reduce stress and solve problems using your internal guidance system. We all have stress, but the important thing is how we meet that stress in our lives. The more healthy tools we have to address our stress, the more peace we can have in our lives, because we have ways to overcome obstacles instead of getting stuck when the inevitable challenges come into play.
Quick Review:
Today we covered a three-step process you can use when journaling to reduce stress. Digital or on paper, every day or as-needed, you can add this tool to your toolbelt to help you stay centered and grounded.
Step 1: Dump Truck Journal-Let it all out!
Step 2: Gratitude-Write down what you’re grateful for!
Step 3: Associations- Mind map to activate your internal guidance system!
If you’re looking for more support on your journey and want to join a lovely and engaged community of like-minded people, please head over to our website at ShineFirstToday.com, and check out our resources to help guide you. I’m sending you light and love and I hope you have an amazing day