
Danette’s discovery of heart-centered purpose

On the outside, you see the owner of a successful Financial Advisory practice. What you may not realize, however, is on the inside, I suffered for many years from debilitating panic attacks and anxiety. 

It got so bad that I began to imagine not being here anymore. Accolades no longer mattered, medication wasn’t helping, and I was at my tipping point.

Once I learned how to follow my internal guidance system, my anxiety began to ease and subside.  

Now, I teach busy professionals how to access their own internal guidance system using the C.A.L.M method, freeing them from anxiety and panic attacks and enabling them to experience what it’s like to thrive and easily achieve their dreams and desires.


I imagine…

a world where no one suffers from anxiety or panic attacks

we live each day to its fullest potential with ease and joy

the undiscovered potential we all have inside

I value…

living in gratitude for the amazing gifts in my daily life

Peace, Ease, Joy & Balance

helping as many people as are ready to enjoy heart-centered living

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