with Danette

Learn the 4 Step C.A.L.M. method

Are you looking for relief from panic attacks and anxiety? Are you tired of being overwhelmed and burned out? Looking for a more tailored, one on one solution, based on Your Life Circumstances?


Connect to your heart. Find your center.


Ask your internal guidance system.


Look for signs, symbols, or indications.


Make an inspired, aligned decision

No more bandaids for deep wounds, It’s time to get to the root cause of your stress and anxiety. During our time together, we walk through each step of the CALM method in a supportive, meditation-style environment.

Seeking what’s beneath the surface

Society, life experience, and even trauma has taught you to ignore your intuition, calculate quickly, and make protective or fear-based moves. This only causes misalignment and stress and this pressure can cause anxiety or even depression. It’s time for a change.


  • Recovering perfectionist
  • Burning the candle at both ends and the flame is almost out completely
  • Facing roadblocks daily and struggling to make the right decisions
  • Questioning yourself constantly or lacking confidence
  • Pulling away from interaction, debilitating anxiety, potential depression
  • Opposition to medication or medication doesn’t seem to help

Here’s how we can work together!

1-on-1 Private Coaching with Danette

Are you looking to eliminate stress and anxiety and SUPERCHARGE your life? In our 1:1 Private Coaching Achievement Package, we’ll design a training plan that will meet you where you are now and focus on only those areas you need help with currently.

Pricing is $125/45 min. session. Scheduling is limited and can be viewed by clicking the button below.