The Shine First blog

Life Lessons in Timeless Holiday Films

Life Lessons in Timeless Holiday Films

The Profound Wisdom of Holiday Classics As the holiday season unfolds, it's a perfect time to revisit our cherished holiday movies, not just for their festive cheer but for the profound life lessons they impart. In this article, we delve deeper into some beloved...

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Journey to Joyful: The Art of Speaking Positive in Daily Life

Journey to Joyful: The Art of Speaking Positive in Daily Life

Cultivating a positive mindset is as essential for our mental health as maintaining our physical well-being.  It’s about consciously directing our inner dialogue towards more uplifting and constructive thoughts, a practice that can transform our daily experiences and lead us to a more fulfilling life.

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Creating Space:  How Clearing Clutter Invites New Possibilities

Creating Space: How Clearing Clutter Invites New Possibilities

As I embarked on this journey of “Creating Space: How Clearing Clutter Invites New Possibilities,” I found myself in a curious position.  I had just moved all my belongings into storage in preparation for a house sale, and my weekends, once filled with endless personal projects, suddenly became a blank canvas.  
The knitting needles, the sewing machine, the crafting supplies—all of it was out of sight.  The pressure to be perpetually productive lifted, and I faced an unfamiliar quietude.

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How to Look and Listen for Signs: The “L” in the CALM Method for Guided Decision-Making

How to Look and Listen for Signs: The “L” in the CALM Method for Guided Decision-Making

Receiving signs and signals from your internal guidance system can be an incredibly enjoyable and rewarding experience. It has the power to alleviate the stress and uncertainty that often accompanies decision-making in various aspects of life. For instance, I recently found myself repeatedly encountering the image of ‘deer,’ and I instinctively recognized it as a sign. Today, I want to discuss not only how I discern these signs but also how to interpret them once they appear.

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